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Sing It, Dance It, Play It, Learn It! Songs for the Elementary Classroom Volume 1: Downloadable Performance / Accompaniment Collection Downloadable MP3s for instruction and performance. For each song there are 3 tracks available - one with singing and a background featuring various instrumental ensembles, one with an instrument playing the melody to the same background, and one without the melody. Both the instrumental version and the track without melody can be used in performance.

Sing It, Dance It, Play It, Learn It! Songs for the Elementary Classroom, Volume 1 is a reproducible collection of 28 fun, original songs which explore basic music skills. Lyrics promote positive concepts while presenting skills lessons. The songs are written in a wide range of styles and include various teaching strategies and creative activities for both the music and non-music classroom. Suitable for grades Pre-K to 4.

Publications available:

Teacher's Manual with Song Sheets

Sing It, Dance It, Play It, Learn It! Download Performance/Accomp Collect

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